Learn More About EloRose Ultrasounds
The questions listed below are the most frequently asked questions about our Diagnostic and 3D 4D Keepsake ultrasound packages. Contact us if you have any further questions.
What is Ultrasound?
An ultrasound scan uses high-frequency sound waves to make an image of the person’s internal body structures. Doctors commonly use ultrasound to study a developing fetus (unborn baby), a person’s abdominal and pelvic organs, muscles and tendons, or their heart and blood vessels.
Are ultrasounds safe?
At this point in time, ultrasounds are not shown to have any effects on the patient or unborn baby (if pregnant).
Do I need an appointment?
Yes. We are appointment based and most of the ultrasounds we offer require a preparation process on your part to be done ahead of time. Please pay attention to all prep instructions for the ultrasound exam you are requesting. If you are not properly prepped for your diagnostic exam, we will stop your exam and have you reschedule, causing you to pay the cancellation fee of $50.
What payment types do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards, Venmo, cash, and HSA/FSA.
Do you accept insurance?
Keepsake ultrasounds are not covered by insurance. If you’re considering diagnostic ultrasounds, please note that we operate on a self-pay basis in order to keep costs low. However, those with employer-funded healthcare may be part of our “insurance” partnerships. If you are unsure if you have this type of “insurance”, please check with your employer or give us a call. HSA/FSA accounts can come to the rescue, and insurance reimbursement may be possible with our receipt.
Do I need an order/referral from my healthcare provider?
Yes, all diagnostic ultrasounds need an order from a healthcare provider. We will gladly accept one from your healthcare provider; however, if you do not have one, we can help! Our healthcare provider will review your symptoms and write the ultrasound order for you. This will be an additional non-refundable $30 charge to the ultrasound fees on our website. KeepSake ultrasounds do not need an order/referral.
What is your fax number?
How long will it take to get my diagnostic ultrasound results?
We work with a radiology group that offers a turnaround time of 24-48 hours, unless it is a STAT request. STAT requests need to be approved prior to scheduling. The radiologist report will be faxed to your healthcare provider and emailed to you.
Can you determine the sex of the baby?
At 15 weeks or more via ultrasound, we have a high accuracy of determining the baby’s gender. If you are here for a Gender Confirmation or Gender Reveal ultrasound and we cannot find the baby’s gender, we will invite you back for a FREE WEEKDAY return appointment within 14 days of your original appointment. We do also offer the DNA Blood Draw at 7wks gestation with a gender result being emailed to you the next day.
How do I prepare for my KeepSake OB ultrasound?
Please hydrate extra well with water, starting about 2-3 days before your scheduled appointment. You do not need a full bladder when you arrive. Please have something light to eat and your favorite juice (if diet allows) about 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Please do not eat a heavy meal.
Are my family and friends welcome to join?
For all Keepsake ultrasounds, you may bring whomever you wish, no matter their age. For diagnostic ultrasounds, please do not bring children unless the exam is for your child. Please do not bring any guests that are showing signs of illness.